Will The Real Guru Please Stand Up

It is fascinating, and potentially educational and revealing, to look at the pattern of criticisms and complaints about spiritual teachers – for example, things people say to me, such as about a teacher we both visited or listened to, or posts on Facebook groups dedicated to criticising or exposing high-profile non-duality teachers. There are clear…

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Non-Duality and Suffering V. 2

A Dialogue   Q: What’s your real value, at the end of the day, after years of seeking and suffering and finding, and all you’ve inquired into and seen and practiced over the decades? Is it worth anything, or just empty at the end of the day?   Seems to me all this non-dual talk…

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Why Spiritual Teachings Can Seem Contradictory

“We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen.” ~ D.T. Suzuki Summary for the impatient For valid teachings: 1. Definitions vary from teaching to teaching. Ex: “Mind” in…

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