The Three Mysteries: A Dialogue

Or it could be titled, “Is the world a dangerous place – do you really know that?” T = Teacher S = Student S: You said something the other day about “Is the world really a dangerous place,” something like that. Can we go into that, look at that please? T: Yes. S: Because sometimes…

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Is Your Robot Conscious? A Dialogue

A dialogue on a contemporary issue concerning wetware and wireware.   T = Teacher S = Student S: I have a question. T: OK. S: In one of our earlier dialogues we talked about the brain, but didn’t really go into it much. Because it seems to me there is some role of the brain…

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Is Consciousness Local? A Dialogue

Is Awareness Local? A dialogue with “Zephinanda” (a pseudonym I made up, for cognitive distance and for fun).   ~~~ * ~~~ Z = Zephinanda S = Student S: Hi, I have a question. Z: Yes. S: So, I’m pretty new to this, but in this teaching, in nonduality, and, I don’t know, many of…

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On Beyond Pantheism

Pantheism is a mistake. Here’s a definition – one is as good as another: it’s the idea behind it that counts. And for “divinity or a supreme entity” or “God” you can substitute “consciousness” or universal consciousness, or awareness, or universal intelligence, and so forth, as those terms are used in Advaita, non-duality, spiritual wisdom traditions…

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Non-Duality Is Not Spiritual

Although what we call spirituality may have something to do with nonduality, it is obvious that nonduality has nothing to do with spirituality. It’s not even an experience, and cannot be an experience, nor item of experience. Nothing can be known about it. And yet, people go to spiritual teachers, as if something can be…

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