The Person-ality is a Phantom It’s not that a person has a phantom personality or not – it’s the fact that indeed the personality actually is a phantom, period, for any apparent anyone (who does not really eist as a standalone entity in the first place) – it’s like constantly changing vapor or cloud, with…
Read MoreJiddu Krishnamurti said something along those lines – in the elegant phrase “the pathless path” – but the complaint (such as by a certain non-duality teacher I hung out with for 7+ years) is that JK didn’t provide a path, or seemed to place himself in an implied enlightened position that’s unattainable by anyone except…
Read MoreMeditation can be good for the body and mind, temporarily. It’s beautiful thing, like a tranquilizing drug, to help with clarity of mind and relaxation of the body. It can, for example, temporarily allow anxiety – a bodily reaction or “energetic” experience, in a loop with thinking – to dissolve away. This is useful and…
Read More“Pathological” – Francis Lucille, quoting his teacher Jean Klein, regarding U. G. Krishnamurti “The teaching mainly concerns the dying of the “I”, the “me”; then you are free from the psychological memory. Can this shift happen without crisis, or is crisis an element of it? In principle, there are no crises. But practically speaking there…
Read MoreHow to be more loving and happy and at peace? Be more present. To what is real. How to be present? Quiet down the thinking, the mind, without introducing the doer. Don’t try and stop thinking. Just observe benevolently (with curiosity if it’s there). The doer can’t squelch (forcefully silence or suppress) the doer –…
Read MoreIt is sometimes thought, or heard from spiritual teachers, that one needs to stop thinking. Why would one want to stop thinking? The question comes up when it begins to dawn on one the importance of thought and thinking in one’s life and in one’s outlook and happiness. One begins to see how much negative…
Read MoreThe picture we are seeing here-knowing it’s just a picture (a map)-is of two sides of existence: one, the appearance, the phenomenal, the apparent material world, the mortal dream, Body, Mind, and World (BMW) which arise simultaneously to play Maya, or spacetime and matter; and two, “outside” of this world as it were, the spiritual,…
Read MoreThe following are some notes regarding how one must “go the final mile” oneself, and no teacher or guru can hand you liberation on a platter. Enjoy. “A Master is a fully-realized Being. A Guru (or Sat Guru) is a Master who has chosen to help others find their Freedom. God, Guru and Self are…
Read More“To ask the mind to kill itself is like making the thief the policeman. He will go with you and pretend to catch the thief, but nothing will be gained. So you must turn inward and see where the mind rises from, and then it will cease to exist.” ~ Ramana Maharshi, ‘Who Am…
Read MoreMeditation… Like yoga, is something you hear about more and more, as more and more people do it, talk about it, or feel they should do it. But with increased popularity, is there a decrease in understanding? Like yoga, which has gone from a deep practice of mind-body-spirit integration, to more of an American-style…
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